Tag Archives: Christina Uss

Lizard Music and The Trolls – an interview with Christina Uss

Podcast #062

For my sixty-second Dream Gardens kid lit podcast, I interviewed author Chritina Uss about the middle grade novels Lizard Music by Daniel Pinkwater and The Trolls by Polly Horvath. Lizard Music is a story of a boy, a Chicken Man, some jazz-playing lizards, and an invisible island, which all makes perfectly good sense if you are a fan Daniel Pinkwater’s surreal comic tales. The Trolls recounts the strange and humorous family stories Aunt Sally tells to the children she’s watching, stories such as about Uncle Louis who came for two weeks and stayed six years, Maud who shot eighty cougars, the Mean Little Fat Girl, and of course, the Trolls. Both books are from writers who are truly one-of-a-kind in all the best possible ways.

Christina Uss is author of the middle grade novel The Adventures of a Girl called Bicycle. You can find Christina’s website at www.christinauss.com.

All podcasts are available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. Please link, share, comment, write a review or subscribe. Let me know what you think! And if you are interested in participating in the Dream Gardens podcast, send me a request through my contact page.

My next podcast will be with author Lindsay Lackey talking about the fantasy novel The Voyage of the Dawn Treader by C. S. Lewis. It will be published on October 21st.