Tag Archives: Charlotte’s Web

Charlotte’s Web by E. B. White: an interview with author Jill Weisfeld

Podcast #047

For my forty-seventh Dream Gardens kid lit podcast, I interviewed author Jill Weisfeld about her favorite children’s book, the classic middle grade novel Charlotte’s Web  by E. B. White.

Originally published in 1952, and still in print today, Charlotte’s Web tells the story of the friendship between a pig named Wilbur and a spider names Charlotte. Wilbur loves life on the farm with all the other animals, all the good things to eat, and Fern, the young girl who raises him from a runt. But when Wilbur learns he’s going to be the main course for Christmas dinner at the farm, it’s up to Charlotte to come up with a plan to save his bacon, and what a plan she manages to spin up. Charlotte’s Web is a timeless story that is whimsical and funny, while at the same time offering up a touching picture of sacrifice, departures, and the unusual bond between a kind and gifted spider, and one terrific pig.

Jill Weisfeld is author of Take a Peek with Peek-a-Bear and her latest picture book Riley the Retriever Wants  a New Job.  In addition, Jill is CEO of her publishing company, Peek-A-Bear Press. You can find Jill’s website at peek-a-bear.com

All podcasts are available on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and now Spotify. Please link, share, comment, or subscribe. And if you are interested in participating in the Dream Gardens podcast, send me a request through my contact page.

My next podcast will be with author Rebecca Behrens, talking about the middle grade novel Hatchet, written by Gary Paulsen. It will be published on February 4th.