Tag Archives: C. L. Fails

A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L’Engle: an interview with author and illustrator C. L. Fails

Podcast #051

For my fifty-first Dream Gardens kid lit podcast, I interviewed author and illustrator C. L. Fails about the classic children’s novel A Wrinkle in Time  by Madeleine L’Engle.

Originally published in 1962, A Wrinkle in Time tells the story of Meg and her brother Charles Wallace and their encounter with three strange woman named Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which. But these are no ordinary women, and they will take Meg and her brother on a journey across time and space to find their missing father and, with any luck, save the world. A classic fantasy sci-fi adventure novel of a battle between good and evil, as well as a journey of self-discovery, A Wrinkle in Time, as well as the four other books in what is known as the Time Quintet, has remained a favorite for many generations.

Cynthia Fails is an educator, podcast host and publisher who writes and illustrates under the name C. L. Fails. She is author and illustrator of the Ella series, including Ella and the One Big Dream and Ella and One Tiny Thing, The Christmas Cookie Books, the Raine the Brain book series, of which the first one The Secret World of Raine the Brain: Quindaro Adventures was published August, 2018 In addition, Cynthia is founder and CEO of Launchcrate Publishing, a hybrid publishing company, and host of the LaunchCrate Podcast. You can find Cynthia’s website at www.clfails.com and her LaunchCrate website at www.launchcrate.com

All podcasts are available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify. Please link, share, comment, or subscribe. And if you are interested in participating in the Dream Gardens podcast, send me a request through my contact page.

My next podcast will be with author Jasmine Warga, talking about the classic children’s novel Bridge to Terabithia, written by Katherine Paterson. It will be published on May 1st.