Tag Archives: Audrey Wood

Podcast #36: The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear by Dan and Audrey Wood

An Interview with Laurisa White Reyes

For my thirty-sixth Dream Gardens kid lit podcast, I interviewed author Laurisa White Reyes about her favorite children’s book,  The Little Mouse, the Red Ripe Strawberry, and the Big Hungry Bear, written by Dan and Audrey Wood and illustrated by Dan Wood.

First published in 1989 by Child’s Play, this big picture book with a very long title tells a simple story about a mouse who finds a large and luscious strawberry, only to discover that  a bear may be on the prowl for it. What is a poor mouse to do to protect his new-found treasure? Full of big, bright pictures and a sly sense of humor, this book about sharing with others may leave you hungry for more just like it. As a bonus, if you have a copy of the book, or can lay your hands on one, follow along as Laurisa reads it at the end of the podcast.

Laurisa White Reyes is the an award winning author of  such middle grade novels as Mickey Malloy, Wonder Boy and the Seer of the Guilde series, YA novels such as Petals and The Crystal Keeper series, as well as non-fiction books like The Kids Guide to Writing Fiction . In addition Laurisa is Senior Editor of Skyrocket Press and teaches English composition at College of the Canyons. You can find Laurisa’s website at www.laurisawhitereyes.com.

All podcasts are available on iTunes, Stitcher, and Google Play. Please link, share, comment, or subscribe. The next podcast will be published on June 16th, 2018.