Ida, Always by Caron Levis and Charles Santoso: an interview with author Artie Knapp

Podcast #045

For my forty-fifth Dream Gardens kid lit podcast, I interviewed author Artie Knapp about his favorite children’s book, the picture book Ida, Alwayswritten  by Caron Levis and illustrated by Charles Santoso.

Originally published in 2016, and winner of the Christopher Award, this picture book tells the true story of two polar bears, Ida and Gus, who live a happy and carefree life in the Central Park Zoo in New York City . But one day, Ida gets sick, and the two of them must adjust their lives to a new reality full of little sorrows and unexpected joys.  Ida, Always is a  smartly written and beautifully illustrated book about friendship and loss and and the persistence of memory, and like all good books  for children, has a great deal to say to adults of all ages.

Artie Knapp is the author of many stories and poems for children as well as the books View from the Zoo, Living Green: A Turtles Quest for a Cleaner Planet, and his latest book, Little Otter Learns to Swim.   You can find Artie’s website at

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My next podcast will be with author Rebecca Caprara, talking about the Middle Grade verse novel Inside Out and Back Again, written by Thanhha Lai. It will be published on January 2nd.

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